What are the opening and closing dates this season?
The opening date is 22/03/2024. The closing date will be on 03/11/2024.
How do you get to Sangulí Salou?
You can get there by car, train, aeroplane and bus.
The address to access the Resort is:
Vial de Cavet (T-325), 43840 Salou, Tarragona. GPS Resort reception: 41 ° 04'52.3 "N 1 ° 06'39.1" I.
For more information click here.
The address to access the Resort is:
Vial de Cavet (T-325), 43840 Salou, Tarragona. GPS Resort reception: 41 ° 04'52.3 "N 1 ° 06'39.1" I.
For more information click here.
Is there Wifi?
Yes. There is fibre optics in all the Camping & Resort that will allow you to connect for free from any accommodation or throughout our facilities.
Is there an ATM?
Yes. There are two ATMs. One in the Resort’s reception and the other in the Camping reception.
How far is the beach?
Sangulí Salou is located next to Salou’s promenade. The beach is in front of the Campsite’s exit. If you are staying at the Resort there is an electric train that can drive you, free of charge, to the Campsite’s exit next to the promenade.
Can you spend the day if you are not staying there?
External visits are not permitted. The use and enjoyment of the facilities are reserved for guests staying at Sanguli Salou.